We are seeking an administrative support officer, flexible (5-10) hours / week.
Position purpose:
The purpose of this role is to provide church office coordination and administrative support for the Ministry Team (including Church Council) in the service of God’s Kingdom through Emmanuel Uniting Church.
Key responsibilities include:
General administration, safe-church administration (in coordination with volunteers), Church Management System (ChMS – Elvanto) administration, consumables purchasing, stakeholder engagement, and miscellaneous support to pastoral team (ministry agents).
For a full position description – see attached.
For a confidential conversation please see a member of the church executive or Jesse.
What is the Sabbath?
It's more than an antiquated law. It’s about the design of time and the human quest for rest. The Sabbath and seventh-day rest is one of the key themes that starts on page one of the Bible and weaves beautifully all the way through the biblical story. Join us as we follow the Bible Project's exploration of the Sabbath through the month of January, a month where we stop and come to him, seeking rest for our souls.
Episode one of the bible project sabbath podcast highlights,
“The seventh day is like a multifaceted gem. One of the main facets is the fabric of creation as leading toward a great goal where humans imitate God and join him in ceasing from work and labor. But there’s going to be another facet that’s all about being a slave to our labor. And so the seventh day is a time to celebrate our liberation from slavery so that we can rest with God.” - Dr Tim Mackie, Bible Project
During our times of gathering together for worship, we're going to cover a biblical survey of the Sabbath - and it’s more than just an inconvenient stop to our never-ending labour - to understand God’s purpose and design in the rhythms of life, that we might learn God’s patterns and in imitating them, find life. We will arrive, along with the biblical narrative - with Jesus “the Lord of the Sabbath” and consider his offer ‘come to me all you weary and I will give you rest’.
For the time poor - a five minute video https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/sabbath-video/
For those who have 15 minutes to read and think https://bibleproject.com/articles/keeping-the-sabbath-is-it-still-relevant-to-christians-today/
For those who want to do a deep dive on the biblical origins and have an hour for a classroom lecture https://bibleproject.com/classroom/heaven-and-earth/sessions/31
for those who want to join with Jesse in listening to the podcast series this January (there's 14 episodes) https://bibleproject.com/podcast/series/7th-day-rest-sabbath/
And as always, the material that the bibleproject produces is free to use because of generous donors. We encourage people to support them as they are able.
Small groups and individuals are invited to participate in the discovering a more generous life-style this February by practicing the way of generosity.
The easiest way for you and your group to access the materials is to sign-up for the generosity practice.
Each week there is a teaching video which you will watch as part of your time together. For those who want to do this offline you can download the teaching notes and read it (or read in advance) in lieu of the video. There is also a personal practice which you can do between sessions - with the opportunity for sharing on how you went the following week.
This is best done in community with a small group. The weekly practice is more then just a bible study - it's a time of sharing, learning, prayer and reflection; most of all it provides a way of being encouraged as you practice the way of Jesus by cultivating a more generous life-style and doing this together is the way of Jesus’ followers.
Small group leaders - You can identify Emmanuel Uniting Church as your church and identify yourself as a small group leader and create ‘your own’ weekly meeting for gathering your small group to participate in the weekly practice. You can even invite members of your group (by email) to join in your group meeting; how easy is that! Or for those small groups that want an ‘offline’ option… you can download the links for the teaching session each week (suggest pre-read before your small group) and personal practice (for after your small group) in the table below.
Links for the four weeks (sessions 1-4) and the ‘bonus’ session (5) are below
Session Video Teaching notes Personal Practice
Session1 video 1 teaching notes 1 practice 1
Session2 video 2 teaching notes 2 practice 2
Session3 video 3 teaching notes 3 practice 3
Session4 video 4 teaching notes 4 practice 4
Session5 video 5 teaching notes 5 practice 5
Our weekly sermons at Emmanuel will loosely follow sessions 1 - 4 of practicing the way, starting Feb 02.
This February let’s practice the way of generosity as part of our ongoing discipleship journey at Emmanuel.
We exist to be real people with relevant faith for our community.
Throughout his life Jesus called people to follow him. The church continues to hear this call in the twenty-first century. Our purpose identifies our congregation as a disciple-making community and challenges each one of us to go deeper and more fully into a living and dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.
We do this by growing Disciples who Exalt, Explore, Embody, Engage - which we commonly refer to as "the four E's". Listen to Brian preach through what this looks like for us as a faith community - the framework of the 4E's based on the great commission.
In 2 Corinthians Paul writes, “God loves a cheerful giver” and Emmanuel is a Christian community that consistently puts this into practice.
God has richly blessed us, and, over many years, we’ve generously invested in Mission together, within our community and abroad.
Regular giving through tithes and offerings gives us the finances to make this possible and helps us to live out our Vision of being
“Real People with Relevant Faith for Our Community.”
If you would like to financially invest in this community you can do this in one of the following ways:
Direct Deposit
Account Name: UCA – Emmanuel Uniting Church Enoggera
BSB: 334 040 Account Number: 553 839 228
Note: Please ensure that you include name and a brief reason for the payment.
Credit Card/Online
Visit emmanueluca.org.au/payments
Place cash into the offering bag during the service each week.
If you would like to order weekly envelopes please contact the Church Office
During this uncertain time if you still want to contribute to the work of the church via cash please contact the church office to arrange a time that you can drop this off. Thank you for your continued support during this time.