During January 2025 we are enjoying a season of Sabbath. The resources referenced in our services are available for people to engage with here https://www.emmanueluca.org.au/about-us/Sabbath
Sunday January 12 "Sabbath and trust"
8am audio only click here.
8am full video click here.
Sunday January 05 "Sabbath in creation"
8am audio only click here
8am full video click here.
Sunday December 29 "Rejoice and Know" Christmas day
8am audio only click here.
8am full video click here.
Wednesday December 25 "Rejoice and Celebrate" Christmas day
8am audio only click here.
8am full video click here.
Sunday December 22 "Rejoice and Feel" - Carols service
8am audio only click here.
8am full video click here.
6pm - holiday club carols service - audio only click here.
6pm - holiday club carols service - full video click here.
Sunday December 15 "Rejoice and Act"
8am audio only click here.
8am full video click here.
930 audio only click here.
930am full video click here.
Sunday December 8 "Rejoice and Hear"
8am audio only click here.
8am full video click here.
930 audio only click here.
930am full video click here.
Sunday December 1 "Rejoice and See"
8am audio only click here.
8am full video click here.
930 audio only click here.
930am full video click here.
Please contact us for all enquiries about hall hire and availability:
Conveniently located approximately 800 meters from the Enoggera train station, Emmanuel Uniting Church offers a multipurpose hall suitable for a variety of events. Our hall provides ample space and functionality, with parking capacity for up to 30 cars.
Hall Features:
- High Ceilings and Carpeted Floors: Ideal for a wide range of activities, from Pilates to training days.
- Fully Functioning Shared Kitchen: Kitchen with tea/coffee making facilities (not certified for commercial use). Note that the kitchen is a shared space and may be accessed by Emmanuel Church staff and members who could be on-site during your booking.
- Wheelchair Accessible: Fully accessible facilities to accommodate all guests.
- Child Safe Environment: Includes a fully fenced grassed area, providing a safe space for children.
- Tables & Chairs: Approximately 100 plus chairs and approximately 10 large tables.
- Technical: Guest Wi-Fi, large wall-mounted screen, and sound system with microphone.
Room Dimensions and Capacity:
- Hall Dimensions: 20.0 x 14.4 meters (excluding storerooms)
- Total Area: 256 square meters
- Maximum Capacity: 128 people (based on 2 square meters per person)
Booking Considerations:
- Quiet Time: If your booking requires quiet time, please check with the Emmanuel Office to ensure no church activities are occurring during your proposed time to avoid any inconvenience.
- Special Requests: Access to other parts of the church building, apart from the hall, kitchen, and amenities, requires special requests and prior approval.
Public Liability Insurance:
- Certificate of Currency: As a hirer you must arrange your own Public Liability Insurance and supply a copy of the Certificate of Currency with the completed Licence Agreement.
- Please note: a certificate of currency is not your invoice or policy statement but a statement provided by your insurer.
Hire agreement documents:
- Licence Agreement: We require the tenant to complete a Licence Agreement and provide a current Certificate of Currency (see above).
- Documents must be signed and sent to buildingbookings@emmanueluca. We do accept scanned signed copies.
For more information on availability and rates, please contact us at buildingbookings@emmanueluca.org.au.
Our booking availability for this month is visible here
Community Helping Hand is one way we can connect with our local Community by offering Help, using our Hands and Hearts. It seems incredible that in our community there are some people who don’t have homes but sleep in our parks, and that there are people who have to come here for food. What we offer is not fancy gourmet food, but basic things: baked beans, rice, noodles, milk, tea bags, toothpaste, etc. As well as offering bags of food, may we care for these people with our prayers, and be mindful of these people on the sidelines of our community.
We offer the food hamper service as an Emergency Relief Basis and the hours of service are as follows.
Monday and Thursday 9.00m - 12 noon (only)
If you would like to donate to this project one way is through the containers for change scheme.
The Community Helping Hand code is
all support is greatly appreciated.
This project is fully funded my the Emmanuel Uniting Church Community.
In 2 Corinthians Paul writes, “God loves a cheerful giver” and Emmanuel is a Christian community that consistently puts this into practice.
God has richly blessed us, and, over many years, we’ve generously invested in Mission together, within our community and abroad.
Regular giving through tithes and offerings gives us the finances to make this possible and helps us to live out our Vision of being
“Real People with Relevant Faith for Our Community.”
If you would like to financially invest in this community you can do this in one of the following ways:
Direct Deposit
Account Name: UCA – Emmanuel Uniting Church Enoggera
BSB: 334 040 Account Number: 553 839 228
Note: Please ensure that you include name and a brief reason for the payment.
Credit Card/Online
Visit emmanueluca.org.au/payments
Place cash into the offering bag during the service each week.
If you would like to order weekly envelopes please contact the Church Office
During this uncertain time if you still want to contribute to the work of the church via cash please contact the church office to arrange a time that you can drop this off. Thank you for your continued support during this time.